General information




  • Cycle: Master.
  • Domain: Natural and life sciences.
  • Branch:Biotechnology.
  • Specialty: Biotechnology of plants.
  • Duration: 2 years.


About the course

Aim of the course

The “Master Biotechnology of Plant” aims to acquire fundamental, applied and technical concepts in the field of plant biology with a view to preserve, improve species, and increase the production of crops for economic interest (food, industrial, pharmaceutical, ). It prepares students for various research in the field of plant sciences and is aimed at students interested in the molecular, physiological and biotechnology approach to plant biology. In addition to the initiation to research and deep knowledge it offers, it allows the student to be prepared for future graduate studies or for the world of work in (laboratories, companies, etc.).

Targeted knowledge

The theoretical and practical lessons in plant biotechnology will train operational Master students in the fields of plant biotechnology to fill the lack of qualified technical staff and future teacher-researchers who may have skills in:

  • Diagnosis of different pathologies affecting plants.
  • Know the medicinal plants and their therapeutic use.
  •  Train competent executives in the field of agriculture and the food industry by integrating the importance of biotechnologies and the strategic challenges of innovation. As well as skills in plant breeding, genomics, plant genetics and physiology.
  • Finally, with socio-economic sectors (industry, agronomy etc.…), this training aims to develop research skills which can contribute to the sustainable development of the country university.

Dissertation (End of study project)

The project of graduation consists of laboratory or field nursery experimentation etc.… with surveys and data analysis allowing future graduates to master analysis and interpretation techniques, an introduction to research and writing of dissertations and reports helping them to integrate into the world of work or to pursue doctoral studies.

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

The program of the “Plant Biotechnology and Improvement Bachelor” courses are designed for students who want to continue their Master degrees in the field of “Science Biotechnology” such as: Plant biotechnology, Biotechnology and Plant Genomics, Plant Physiology, Plant improvement etc.

Professional careers

The choice of this training is a kind of compromise between the different areas of plant biotechnology and the potential jobs in the market. Future graduates will be able to coordinate with a team among: a research institutions, an experimental platform, or an industrial production center at regional and national level, above all, in the areas of:

  • Plant genetic engineering (propagation, in vitro cultures, germ-plastic maintenance).
  • Food process engineering (applied microbiology, quality control).
  • Regional level: Universities, pharmaceutical companies, Agriculture, agro-food sector, health and environment.
  • National level: universities and research centers, ITGC, National Center for Biotechnologies.