General information




  • Cycle: Bachlor.
  • Domain: Natural and life sciences.
  • Branch: Biotechnology.
  • Specialty: Plant biotechnology and breeding.
  • Duration: 3 years.


About the course

Aim of the course

The Program “Bachelor of plant biotechnology and breeding ” aims to acquire the basic concepts and techniques used in the field of plant biology with a view to preserving species and increasing the production of crops of interest, economic (food, industrial, pharmaceutical and ornamental…).
Students will receive fundamental knowledge from different disciplines (plant biology, plant propagation techniques, alteragenic and pathogenic factors in crops, and the control methods used to combat pathogens)
It also contributes and trains students with proven skills especially for regions with agricultural vocation such as Mila.

Targeted knowledge

This program course aims to train graduates mastering the plant field as follows:

  • Formation and plant construction,
  • BMC will be used in the agricultural sector and identification of rustic varieties (resistant)
  • Structure, growth, and development.
  • Functioning and physiology.
  • Cytogenetics and plant breeding.
  • Plant protection

Dissertation (End of study project)

The end-of-program project consists mainly of greenhouse projects or field internships, surveys, and data analysis allowing future graduates to master the analysis techniques and report writing helping them to rapid integration into the world of work or to pursue Master degree.

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

The “bachelor’s in plant biotechnology and breeding” program course is designed to allow students to pursue their Masters Degrees in the fields of “Science Biotechnology” such as: Plant Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Plant Genomics, Plant Physiology, and Plant breeding, etc…

Professional careers

The Plant Biotechnology and breeding course will enable graduates to integrate professional life. There is a wide range integrate of professions in Biotechnology and agricultural organizations and structures such as:

  • Nurseries: production and multiplication of plants.
  • Agronomic research institutes and technical institutes for field crops.
  • (I.T.G.C), the technical institutes of market gardening and industrial crops.
  • (I.T.C.M.I), institutes of Saharan cultures (ITDAS), INRA, plant protection
  • (INPV) and others.
  • C.C.L.S.
  • Agricultural product storage stations.
  • Pilot farms.
  • A.P.C: Territory Development.
  • Design office.
  • Creation of cooperatives in different plant options.
  • Creation of nurseries.