General information

: 0660372665

: 031450040


  • Cycle: Master.
  • Domain: Economic, commercial and management sciences.
  • Branch: Financial Sciences and Accounting.
  • Specialty: Corporate Finance.
  • Duration: 2 years.


About the course

Aim of the course

This specialty aims to provide students with theoretical bases and techniques applied in the field of finance, with particular regard to: financial analysis, the fundamental principles of business financing, the criteria for project feasibility studies, specialized financing techniques, banking and insurance techniques, business valuation techniques and financial securities, group accounting and international accounting standards. In order to deepen the various constantly evolving financial knowledge, and to link the knowledge acquired to the practical reality of the business and to the dynamics of the financial markets.

Targeted knowledge

Graduates of this specialty are effectively qualified to exercise the following financial functions:

  • diagnose the financial situation of the company;
  • Make long-term financial decisions;
  • Develop future financial plans;
  • Design the financial strategy of the company;
  • Treasury and financial risk management;
  • Portfolio and investment fund management;
  • Prepare independent and impartial financial studies on the various economic sectors;
  • Provide financial advice to individuals and Corporate.

Dissertation (End of study project)

The student must choose the subject of his end of study project among the themes related to corporate finance, and he is obliged to carry out an internship in an economic company (public or private), or a financial institution (Banks, Insurance company, Specialized financial companies …), which ends with the preparation of a thesis defended before a jury composed of the director, a president and an examiner.

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

This specialty provides a solid scientific foundation and deepens academic training for students who wish to pursue their higher education in order to obtain a doctorate in corporate finance.

Professional careers

The specialty “corporate finance” aims to prepare and qualify graduates to occupy financial positions at the corporate level, whether private or public, or at the level of the following financial entities: Banks, Financial institutions, Consulting firms financial, Accounting firms …