A nationally marked forum  :   "computerization of the arabic language in the shadow of digital globalization: current challenges»

A nationally marked forum  : "computerization of the arabic language in the shadow of digital globalization: current challenges»






Univeristy Abdelhafid boussouf Mila   View map

The Institute of Letters and Languages ,organize  A nationally marked forum  :

  “computerization of the arabic language in the shadow of digital globalization: current challenges»

in Coordination with the Superme Council of the Arabic Language.

Celebrating the Arabic day in the Language of Dhad March 01,2021

  • Honorary president of the Forum: Prof. BOUCHELAGHEM Amirouche ,Director of the University Center.
  • Prof. Saleh BELAID President of the Superme Council of the Arabic Language.
  • Forum president,  : Dr .Fateh MAEZOUG BANALI ·

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