Webometrics ranking
The Webometrics ranking, is a ranking published twice a year (in January and July), to assess the web presence of universities, and promote Open Access to the knowledge generated by universities. This ranking is based on 4 indicators: Presence (the number of pages / files on the web), visibility (the impact of knowledge accessible on the university’s website), openness (influence researchers from the establishment), and excellence (number of publications among the most cited worldwide) .This ranking tracks the indicators of more than for more than 30,000 universities around the world, including 104 Algerian universities.
In July 2020, the Webometrics ranking mentioned positive performances for the University of Mila, which are detailed as follows:
At the National level, Mila’s University made progress in the general ranking, which means that it moved from the 46th position (from 104 universities) in January 2020 to 44th in the July 2020.The university, also achieved a significant improvement in its national ranking in the visibility index (from 60 in January to 51 in July), and the openness index (from 52 in January to 45 in July
At the international level, the university has made considerable progress on the presence indicator, dropping from 7756th in January to 6338th in July (+1418). Also, for the openness indicator, the University rose from 5,495th place in January to 4808th in July (+687).
Mila University’s performance in the webometrics ranking is the result of efforts to improve the university’s web presence, including the website and e-learning platform, as well as the performance of its researchers.
However, these positive performances, does not reflect the scientific production of teachers and students, which part of it, still invisible.
It’s why, the university is working to improve access to its knowledge, in order to achieve a significant improvement in the classification indicators.