General information
- Cycle: Bachlor.
- Domain: Natural and life sciences.
- Branch: Biological sciences.
- Specialty: Applied Biochemistry.
- Duration: 2 years.
About the course
Aim of the course
The aim of the proposed Master is to train students and enable them to acquire in-depth knowledge in the sciences related to biochemistry: Biology, Physiochemistry, Pharmacology, Biotechnology, Health, etc… These are necessary for their integration into professional life mainly in analytical laboratories, health fields (Biological Analyzes) and industries (Pharmacy and Biotechnology.) It also allows them to complete their initial training acquired as part of the Bachelor course. This is a multidisciplinary field in: teaching approaching the molecular, structures, mechanisms of action, the understanding of the multiple mechanisms involved, mechanisms of action, understanding of the multiple mechanisms involved in the expression and regulation of genes both theoretically and practically, as well as the evolution of the living.
Through the mastery of the concepts and tools necessary for the exploitation of recent advances in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology and the fields of interfaces with physics and chemistry, this training allows -among other things- future graduates to integrate a laboratory or a doctoral school to carry out a doctoral thesis in their specialty. This training will be provided by specialist teacher-researchers.
Targeted knowledge
The training of the applied Biochemistry Master course allows students to acquire the essential theoretical and experimental skills which allow them to:
- Integrate into the research teams of universities and research centers working in fundamental and applied Biochemistry.
- Be oriented towards medical research or in hospital-university analysis laboratories.
- Carry out analysis, research or development activities in the industrial sector in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agrochemical, depollution, medical analysis laboratories etc.…
This by
- An in-depth knowledge of Biology in general and specialized in some disciplinary fields, which need to have a capacity for synthesis.
- A mastery of basic techniques and devices used in Biochemistry in order to apply them in the various disciplines of biological sciences.
- Ability to implement an experimental approach and be able to critically analyze results.
- A capacity for learning and adaptation and creativity in problems solving situations.
- Exploitation, communication, and defense of the results of the project.
Dissertation (End of study project)
The end-of-program project is mainly based on laboratory work as well as investigations and data analysis field that are steps to allow graduates a mastery of analysis techniques, an introduction to research and writing of dissertations and reports, and help them integrate into the world of work or pursuee doctoral programs.
Program (Taught modules)
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Graduate destinations
The program of the “Master Applied Biochemistry” courses are designed to allow students wishing to continue their studies in 3rd cycle Doctorate BMD in the field of “Biological Science” in relation to their course such as: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, pharmacology etc…
Professional careers
- This program trains executives in the fields of research and development for the public service as well as private sector. The focus is on:
Health sectors (analysis laboratories, hospitals and public health centers, fraud repression laboratories, pharmacies, pharmaceutical industries, agro-food. - Universities and research laboratories.