General information




  • Cycle: Master.
  • Domain: Foreign Letters and Languages.
  • Branch:English Language.
  • Specialty: Language Teaching Specialty.
  • Duration: 2 years.


About the course

Aim of the course

This Academic Master in English language, Didactic option of the Language, has for objectives to deepen and perfect the linguistic training of the students, at the methodological, theoretical, and descriptive levels. It offers a progressive introduction to research in the following areas: general and applied linguistics, discourse analysis, and teaching English as a foreign language.

Targeted knowledge

  • The proposed training aims at the deepening of knowledge in English—linguistic, pragmatic, and didactic of English as a foreign language; introduction to the study of the texts and improvement of the language; acquisition of bibliographic and documentary research techniques; learning of scientific writing techniques in the field of language sciences. Thus, students will be able to operate in various fields, in particular in the field of teaching.
    As this training draws heavily on intercultural approach and communication skills, students will have to master English as a foreign language in all its linguistic dimension, semantic and cultural and will be endowed with a general culture that will allow them to integrate more into the professional space.

Dissertation (End of study project)

Drafting of a research brief which is presented in public .

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

It is certain that the Academic Master in English language opens to students a good number of choices, because it is part of the LMD system which is characterized by interdisciplinarity. As a result, this Master’s degree declines towards several bridges in doctoral studies.
It would also be possible to switch to other specialties in other higher education institutions offering similar training opportunities.

Professional careers

At the end of this training, holders of the Master’s degree, language science & didactics option, will have the opportunity to practice in different sectors, mainly:

  • Higher education and scientific research,
  • National education (public and private).
  • Vocational training centres.
  • Book businesses such as the development and publishing of specialty books and manuals.
  • Foreign language dissemination centres such as cultural, national and foreign centres.
  • Communication professions (journalism and media).
  • Foreign companies and import-export….