General information
- Cycle: License .
- Domain: Mathematics and computer science .
- Branch: Mathematics.
- Specialty (Title): Mathematics.
- Duration: 3 years.
About the course
Aim of the course
The mathematics bachelor is a 3-year course, which aims to provide a foundation of knowledge and skills in mathematics, which can be reinvested in different fields of application. This license is a fundamental and necessary step for students intending to teach, research, or other professional goals requiring in-depth math skills.
Targeted knowledge
This Bachelor offers a solid general education in the fundamental fields of mathematics: Analysis (differential calculus, differential equations, measure theory, topology,…), Algebra (general and linear), Geometry and Probability, with the teaching of Numerical Analysis and optimization complemented by an introduction to scientific software, scientific and technical culture, lessons in mathematics education and training in the history of mathematics and mathematicians.
Dissertation (End of study project)
Program (Taught modules)
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Graduate destinations
The training is designed to allow further studies in:
- Any Master in mathematics at the national level;
- Some Master in mathematics at an international level.
Professional careers
- Teaching both in the primary and middle level.
- Some professions requiring in-depth skills in mathematics (after training).