General information
- Cycle: Bachlor.
- Domain: Science and Technology.
- Branch: Hydraulic.
- Specialty: Hydraulic.
- Duration: 3 years.
About the course
Aim of the course
Algeria is located in a seasonally scarcity and erratic water resources region. Moreover, water problems, quantitatively and qualitatively, are constantly increasing in Algeria at the national level, under the pressure of escalating demographic growth (urban development) and increasing agricultural water needs (which alone absorb approximately 70% of the water levy). This makes thesustainable development of agricultural activities and other industrial and urban sectors in our country, threatened by permanent irregularity in this strategic resource.
Considering this scarcity of water resources, public companies and private institutions working in the field of water management, agriculture, development, and city planning are registering an urgent and increasing need for competencies controlling the technical and scientific tools in order to optimize the qualitative and quantitative management of this strategic commodity. The University created this degree in response to the expectations of these partners.
Targeted knowledge
Students will be able to follow their master’s degree or practice mainly in the following fields:
- Mobilization and management of water.
- Water risk management.
- Urban planning.
- Rural development.
- The design and construction of various hydraulic structures.
Dissertation (End of study project)
Students will run a documentary research, under the supervision of specialized professors.The evaluation will be carried out after the students’presentation of the research.
Program (Taught modules)
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Graduate destinations
Students will be able to pursue studies in a master’s degree then, a doctorate
Professional careers
- Possibility to be recruited in different sectors.
Bachelor degree graduates can be recruited in other sectors as follows:
- Water risk management.
- Urban planning.
- Rural development.
- Design and construction of various hydraulic structures.