General information

: 031450010



  • Cycle: Master.
  • Domain: Science and Technology.
  • Branch: Civil engineering.
  • Specialty: Structures.
  • Duration: 2 years.


About the course

Aim of the course

The Master of Civil Engineering course aims to give the student a scientific and technological basis ensuring mastery of academic and practical knowledge in the various construction fields. Besides, a professional aptitude leading to a good insertion in functions of supervision, management within construction companies, monitoring and control of projects, this Master provides the student with basic scientific and specific training which confers a capacity of assimilation allowing him to reach the higher diplomas the possibility of preparing a Doctorate in the various specialties of Civil Engineering.

Targeted knowledge

This training aims to train executives for the Civil Engineering, Building and Public Works sector in general and more particularly, companies, design offices, and consulting firms.
In addition, we are witnessing the emergence of a field, promising in terms of employability and research, which is in full technological evolution; it is about the development of new materials. These call for the introduction of new technologies, new methods of execution, and new commercial techniques and consequently a revival in the demand for specialized personnel.

Dissertation (End of study project)

The end-of-study project contributes to the assimilation of the knowledge provided by the program. So it is more particularly devoted to putting concepts into practice. It, also, encourages students’ intellectual openness and the development, in a positive way, of a sense of initiative and autonomy in the pursuit of work, while leaving certain points very open.
The project can be individual or collective.

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

This Master provides students with basic scientific and specific training which gives them the capacity to assimilate, enabling them to access higher degrees, the possibility of preparing a Doctorate in the various specialties of Civil Engineering.

Professional careers

Professional opportunities at the managerial level are important in all phases of a construction operation:

  • The planning of works: public sector (local communities, construction companies.
  • The calculation of the works: Design offices, engineering firms.
  • The management and monitoring of works and the quality control of the works: Structural and secondary construction companies, control offices.
  • Maintenance and asset management: Technical management, rehabilitation, development.
  • Follow-up of construction sites: B.T.P of medium and large sizes.