[wp-svg-icons icon=”office” wrap=”span”]: Central administration, 4th floor
: maison.entreprenariat@centre-univ-mila.dz
[wp-svg-icons icon=”facebook” wrap=”span”]: www.facebook.com/maison_delentrepreneuriat43
[wp-svg-icons icon=”twitter” wrap=”span”]: www.twitter.com/mais_entrepreun
Algeria has dozens of university centers spread across the national territory, within which courses in various specialties are given to 1,300,000 students.This rich potential deserves to be mobilized for active participation in the country’s economic and social development.From this perspective, the path that is becoming more and more obvious, turns out to be the creation of businesses.It is common knowledge that entrepreneurship is a particular field that is not comparable to traditional academic education.
What is the house of entrepreneurship? and first, why the choice of the term “house”?
The word “house” differs from that of center or institute which refers much more to academic structures, to traditional education.
The word house evokes a friendly structure, where the atmosphere is pleasant and conducive to the exchange of ideas and the development of a spirit of initiative.
Functions of the house of entrepreneurship
The first function of the house of entrepreneurship is therefore awareness of entrepreneurship. It aims to activate the entrepreneurial intention of students through awareness programs and dissemination of the entrepreneurial culture.
The second function of the house of entrepreneurship consists in the pre-accompaniment of students and researchers with project ideas.
This function prepares students to take the step towards the creation of their own micro-enterprise, through the ANSEJ system.
Activities of the house of entrepreneurship
The actions carried out by the house of entrepreneurship are based on an annual program declined as follows:
general information and awareness days;
- study days organized by faculty;
- summer universities: course on business creation, with the participation of ANSEJ partners;
- thematic round tables;
- modules on the entrepreneurial approach and the business plan;
- best business plan competition
- Organization of the house of entrepreneurship
- The organization of the entrepreneurship center revolves around a steering committee comprising, a university director
and two animators including two university teachers and an ANSEJ coach.
Generalization of the concept
The first entrepreneurship house was created in 2007 at the University of Constantine.
The year 2014 saw the generalization of the concept of entrepreneurship house, at the level of universities and Grandes Ecoles, across the national territory.
Bridges are thrown between the houses of entrepreneurship and other organizations that help innovative projects (technology parks, incubators, cells for promoting the results of research and technological development), for the creation of a territorial network. promoting and supporting a dynamic of local development.