General information
: 0772070393
- Cycle: Bachelor.
- Domain: Economic, commercial and management sciences.
- Branch: Commercial sciences..
- Specialty: Marketing.
- Duration: 3 years.
About the course
Aim of the course
This specialty introduces the main principles of marketing with special attention to the consumer and his behavior. Basics of marketing management will be presented by the introduction of strategic and tactical tools of marketing in the different parts of the course.
The objectives of this course are to acquire the key concepts about marketing, the way a company manages its relationship with consumers and elaborates its offer in order to optimise its position in a competitive environment. The purpose is to help students understand and develop a marketing plan by integrating components of the marketing mix, and by taking decisions in a complex environment.
This course is based on seminal concepts of the discipline as well as in-class analysis of tutorials. This course is an essential base for more specific classes in 1st year master.
Targeted knowledge
This course will help you to develop a better appreciation and understanding of the role of marketing in a business organization specifically, and in our society at large. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Gain solid understanding of key marketing concepts and skills.
- Perform situation analysis to assess market opportunities.
- Gather, analyze, and draw conclusions from market and environmental data.
- Develop marketing strategies (Segmentation, targeting, and positioning ) to achieve company’s objectives.
- Use the marketing mix approach to help define the elements needed for a successful marketing strategy.
- Build an effective marketing plan.
Dissertation (End of study project)
End of study report constitutes an important stage in the university course. It is a structured and supervised educational activity, carried out in a practical environment where the student can develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to progress in the field of Marketing. During this stage, the student will be able to put into practice his learning refined by the courses taken as part of his undergraduate course. It involves Engaging in a logic of participant observation aiming at doing practical work, on one hand, and writing a report on this experience in a professional manner, on the other hand.
Program (Taught modules)
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Graduate destinations
Marketing graduates who want to continue their academic study can choose to study a Master’s degree in: Services Marketing; Business Management; International Trade and Logistics; International marketing; Hotel and Tourism Management … .
Professional careers
Marketing graduates are well prepared for careers like:
advertising director, digital marketer, market researcher, marketing executive, public relations account executive, public relations officer, sales promotion executive, social media manager, business adviser, web content manager.