1- Training in residence abroad / teachers
In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 14-196 of 08 Ramadan 1435, corresponding to 6 July 2014 setting out the organisation and conduct of training and the improvement of the level abroad, residency training abroad concerns:
- Non-schooling in Algeria
- Specialization of higher education supplementing schoolchildren in Algeria.
In addition to the conditions covered by Articles 26 and 30 of Presidential Decree No. 14-196 of 08 Ramadan 1435, which correspond to 6 July 2014, which regulate training and improvement of the level abroad, registered professors-researchers, professors, medical researchers and permanent researchers. In Algeria, for the preparation of a doctoral thesis whose studies require research or training abroad, candidates for residency abroad are selected after examination of the files by the scientific councils of their institutions or employers committees, organized by regional seminars of specialists. Universities or technical committees for schools beyond the university, among the candidates who meet and the following conditions:
- The candidate must be registered in Algeria to prepare his doctoral thesis;
- Prove the seniority of one (01) year of active service and have a decree;
- Be proposed by its institution after selection by qualified scientific bodies;
- deliver a letter of receipt from a recognized foreign university or research institute with high scientific and technological capabilities;
- Submit a program of study and research during training abroad, to be specified by the thesis director.
2 – Training in residence abroad / staff
Benefits of residency training abroad in addition to professors and students, users of governments and public institutions, who have at least a first-phase certificate or a recognized diploma or equivalent, after the following conditions have been met:
- Prove the seniority of three (03) years of active service at the date of training;
- comply with the conditions and standards set by the national committee,
- Meet the conditions and standards required by the planned training,
- to be proposed by the administration.
3 – Training in residence abroad / students
In addition to the conditions previously mentioned in Presidential Decree No. 14-196 of 08 Ramadan 1435 corresponding to 6 July 2014 and Resolution 1266 of 23 December 2015 setting out the selection criteria for admission to the residence-in-residence program abroad for the year 2016;
Application conditions
- Must have the required university degree to be admitted to the planned training,
- To be the first to pay for it,
- Respect the standards set by the national committee and the conditions set by the scientific or pedagogical council of the institution of higher education concerned.
- Be ranked according to the general averages of the university curriculum and obtained without repeating the year in the same training course and among the top three (03) in the group of persons or disciplines accredited at the national level;
- If the student is transferred from one institution to another during his or her university course, the university’s points of origin are taken into account;
The student must be at 31/12 of the current year:
- 23 years for those with a bachelor’s degree;
- 25 years for students with a master’s degree, a degree in state engineering, an architect or master’s degree in architecture, a veterinarian, a doctor of dentistry or a doctorate in pharmacy;
- 27 years for those with a doctorate in medicine.
Candidates will organize a written competition or competition by studying the files or choosing by a special committee for this purpose when new opportunities for cooperation arise after the competition is organized.
Application file
The foreign scholarship file is usually composed of the following documents:
- Foreign grant application form provided by the Foundation President and the President of the National Symposium.
- Birth certificate (01);
- 02 Photographs (02);
- A certificate above the lot (02) indicated by the Vice-Chancellor for training in the first and second phases and certificates;
- Copies of the transcript of the university stream according to the form approved by the custodian ministry, which are marked by the dean and vice-president of the university for first and second phase training and certificates;
- Copies of academic certificates of the university stream, which are marked by the vice-president of the university for training in the first and second phases and certificates;
- Certified copies of certificates obtained (bachelor and bachelor’s degree), which are indicated by the Vice-Chancellor for training in the first and second phases and certificates;
- (02) Two letters of recommendation submitted by two professors explaining the objectives of the training;
- Passport copy (05 first pages);
- The object of the desired configuration.
- Additional documents may be added to the application file depending on the type of grant and the country of receipt.
- A language test (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TEPS, OPLC, TCF, DELF) is sometimes required.