General information



  • Cycle: Bachlor.
  • Domain: Science and Technology.
  • Branch:Process engineering.
  • Specialty: Process engineering.
  • Duration: 3 years.


About the course

Aim of the course

Process Engineering is an important field in science and technology (ST domain). Indeed, this field, which was initially developed around Chemical Engineering, includes an extensive range of specialties (Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Electrochemical Engineering, Cryogenics, Energetics, Agro-food, etc.).

Targeted knowledge

Process Engineering is essential in all industrial processes of material and energy transformation. To this end, it is necessary to train people capable of mastering transformation processes on an industrial scale. This Bachelor’s degree, whose curriculum contains the fundamental subjects of the field (physical chemistry, unit operations, transfer phenomena, reactors, etc.) constitutes basic training for all the specialties of Process Engineering.
At the end of this multidisciplinary training, graduates will have acquired basic knowledge not only in fundamental sciences (Math, Physics, Chemistry) but also in technology and industrial processes (Reactors, Processes, Transfer Phenomena, Instruments, Industrial Installations, etc.), which are necessary for the understanding of process engineering and its various applications

Dissertation (End of study project)

The theme of the End of Cycle Project must be chosen in consultation with the tutor and a student (or a group of students: binomial or trinomial). The topic’s content must be in line with the course’s objectives and the student’s real aptitudes (Bachelor level). It is also preferable that the theme takes into account the social and economic environment of the institution. When the nature of the project requires it, it can be subdivided into several parts.

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

This training allows graduates not only to continue their studies and prepare for various specialized masters but also to integrate into the socio-economic sector quickly.

Professional careers

The skills acquired allow the integration of different industrial sectors (chemical, pharmaceutical, electrochemical, food processing, materials, cosmetics, water treatment, environmental protection, etc.) to meet the country’s need for technology executives.
Process Engineering deals with the industrialization of chemistry and processes of transformation and purification of matter. The fields of application follow one another throughout the development of the manufacturing process: growth in the laboratory, pilot scale, dimensioning of equipment
The fields of application follow one another throughout the manufacturing process development: development in the laboratory, pilot scale, sizing of equipment, construction of the unit and then its operation.
This course in process engineering aims to train multi-skilled managers with knowledge and know-how that enable them to work at all levels of the process. They are destined to occupy positions as Design Managers, Project Managers, Process Technicians, etc.
This course targets large companies operating in processes, chemistry, energy and environment at the national level, such as Sonatrach, Sonelgaz, ADE, cement plants, Sandal, etc. At the regional level, there is also a strong potential for opportunities at the fabric of SMEs-SMIs with activities of design offices, consulting firms, processing of material and treatment.
With the curriculum proposed in this license, graduates can integrate various socio-economic sectors:
Technical education in secondary schools;
Research laboratories;
Public organizations;
Design offices;
The industrial sector.
For this last sector, these graduates constitute the backbone of the management in the production units (Chemical industries, Petrochemistry, Refining, Cement works, Water treatment, Technology of manufacture of drugs, Food industry, etc.)