Born in 1964, Amirouche BOUCHELAGHEM is a university professor. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in economics, specialising in financial sciences, in 1992 from the University of Mentouri in Constantine. In 1998, he obtained a master’s degree in economics, specialising in business management, from the University of Mentouri in Constantine. In 2015, he completed a doctorate in economics, specialising in financial sciences, at Abdelhamid Mehri University Constantine 2. After completing his post-graduate thesis, he obtained his Habilitation (HDR) in economics in 2016 at Abdelhamid Mehri University Constantine 2.
His background in training and research has enabled him to hold a number of administrative posts, including Head of the Short-Term Training Department from 2004 to 2006 at the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences at the University of Constantine. From 2006 to 2009, he was head of the basic training department, responsible for bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and then head of the basic training department, responsible for the core curriculum. From 2015 to 2020, he was vice-rector of external relations, cooperation, communication and events at the University of Constantine. From 2019 to the present day, he has been elected Director of the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Centrer of Mila.
Crossing the contributions of the economic discipline with those of health, he is currently an economist expert in health and will devote his research work to the health sector through an economist and prospective vision. He is also an expert evaluator and editorial board member for several indexed scientific journals. He is head of the PRFU research project F02N01UN250220190006 and a member of the research team on health transition and its impact on national health spending, Economics and Business Management Laboratory. He is the author of a book and two teaching handouts and more than fifteen articles, including one category A, two category B and the others category C, as well as chapters in published works. He has taught more than nine courses and three tutorials during his academic career. He has supervised more than ten doctoral theses and a dozen master’s degrees. He has taken part in a number of national and international seminars, workshops, conferences and colloquia as a plenary speaker, organiser and chairman. It has initiated and signed several national partnerships and agreements, notably with University Hospital of Constantine in 2021, and the Mahmoud Be-laamri psychiatric hospital in Constantine. Erasmus+ Marenostrum 2020-2017, University of Al-garve, Portugal. Erasmus+ LYON, 2020-2018, International Training Association, Lusofona. University of luso-phone Erasmus+ 2027-2021, Portugal. WSB University, Erasmus+ 2027-2022, Poland.