General information




  • Level:Master.
  • Domain: Mathematics and informatics.
  • Branch: Applied mathematics.
  • Specialty (Title): Mathematical modeling and decision techniques.
  • Duration: 4 semesters.

About the course

Aim of the course

The Master’s degree in applied mathematics training offer is part of the reforms undertaken in Algeria, which focus on the development of relations between higher education, in particular applied mathematics, and the socio-economic sector. Thus, the major challenge is to achieve the training-employment match.
The student will have to familiarize himself with and acquire the basic notions in higher applied mathematics necessary to prepare a doctorate or to teach. In addition to these skills, the student will have to acquire a good command of decision-making tools with an ability to carry out multidisciplinary work that will allow him to approach a profession in management services, statistical studies and others, or the creation of startups and specialized micro-enterprises, such as consulting firms and design offices, service companies particularly specialized in decision-making, etc.
Teaching is semester-based. The year therefore includes two semesters S1 and S2 of approximately 15 weeks each. The student builds his year based on fundamental, cross-curricular and discovery teaching units in such a way that each semester represents 30 credits.

Targeted knowledge

  • Manipulate theories developed in applied mathematics, with the aim of further study or transmission in a professional situation.
  • Demonstrate intuition, imagination and tenacity in solving problems.
  • Construct and write a synthetic and rigorous mathematical demonstration.
  • Develop and program fundamental algorithms for scientific calculation.
  • Manipulate the main mathematical models used in different disciplines or applications in life sciences, physics, mechanics and economics.
  • Reflect, reason, calculate, make hypotheses and analyse them rigorously.
  • Understand existing models and develop new ones, verify their internal consistency and relevance and apply them.

Dissertation (End of study project)

Introductory research work or an internship in a company leading to a dissertation and defense.

Program (Taught modules)

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Graduate destinations

  • Doctorate in Applied Mathematics
  • Doctorate in Financial Mathematics
  • Doctorate in Mathematics.

Professional careers

In addition to the traditional career path of secondary school teaching, this master’s degree opens the doors to doctoral training in mathematics or applied mathematics. This training allows graduates to enter a profession in management services, statistical studies and others, in addition it will stimulate the creation of startups and specialized micro-enterprises, such as consulting firms and design offices, service companies, particularly those specializing in decision-making, etc.